Cloudscape Founder Shares the Importance of Content Creation for Small Companies

Audience Ops Podcast
Audience Ops Podcast
Cloudscape Founder Shares the Importance of Content Creation for Small Companies

When your company is just starting out, should you focus and spend money on content? How do you take the step to trust a company to outsource to when content is so important?

On this episode of the podcast, we’re joined by Dhiren Bhatia, founder of Cloudscape. As the company heads into its third year in business, Dhiren shares about how he’s focused on content as a way to help grow his company. 

From Retail to a Productized Service-Based Business

Dhiren’s family has a long history in retail and from this, he founded Cloudscape, a company that enables retail shops and restaurants to leverage technology in order to streamline business and work more efficiently and effectively. 

As many founders do, Dhiren wears many hats, but he has grown Cloudscape to five employees so he’s now able to focus on his role as managing director and develop the overarching strategy of the company. Part of that strategy included creating content, but he found that he was the bottleneck to getting content published consistently.

About a year ago, after regularly listening to Audience Ops founder, Brian Casel’s Productize Podcast, Dhiren really understood the benefit of productizing a service-based business. Through listening to the podcast and reading the content that Brian produced, Dhiren had trust in hiring Audience Ops for his content needs.

Even though Cloudscape is small, Dhiren knows that his marketing efforts require having consistent, high-quality content, and he knew that letting go of writing the content himself was an important step for his company. On the episode, Dhiren shares how we’ve worked productively together on content development, his thoughts on how founders can take that step to outsourcing content, and why that’s so important even when your company is new and/or small. 

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