Author name: Dennis Hammer

Designing a High-Converting Hub & Spoke Landing Page

This is part of our series on hub and spoke content marketing. Begin here: Executing The Hub & Spoke Content Marketing Strategy. Like we’ve said before, the genius of the hub and spoke content marketing strategy is its structure. By following this plan, you can turn a series of articles into something more valuable than …

Designing a High-Converting Hub & Spoke Landing Page Read More »

Incorporating Lead Magnets in the Hub & Spoke Content Strategy

This is part of our series on hub & spoke content marketing. Begin here: Executing The Hub & Spoke Content Marketing Strategy At its core, a website’s marketing funnel is simple: Traffic (your content) → Leads (your subscribers) → Sales (your customers) Your goal is to use content to capture subscribers, nurture those subscribers, and …

Incorporating Lead Magnets in the Hub & Spoke Content Strategy Read More »